What is the best supplementation for body definition stages?  

Choosing the best supplementation for definition stages helps you reach your goals more quickly. Keep in mind that for the body, reducing fat while maintaining maximum muscle mass is challenging. You'll need to reduce your daily calorie intake, but you also need energy to train hard, so sports supplementation is key during the definition phase. 

There are several types of sports supplements that help you during the definition phase. But not all are equally important. On the one hand, there are the two most valuable: proteins and amino acids or BCAAs. Without a doubt, this tandem forms the best supplementation for definition stages. But they can also be complemented with others whose properties contribute to achieving the desired goals. Such as creatine, essential fatty acids, multivitamins, magnesium, or thermogenics. You can find everything you need in the Amix sports supplements catalog. 

Protein, the best supplementation for definition stages During this stage, it is recommended to consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Something extremely difficult to achieve in a balanced and healthy diet. That's why protein supplements are crucial for meeting the athlete's protein needs in the definition phase. And the purer and more easily assimilated the protein is, the better. There are different types to choose the right one for you.

Whey protein is rapidly absorbed, ideal for post-workout consumption. If it is isolated, it has a high percentage of purity and barely 1% fat, with a very complete amino acid profile. But depending on your needs, you can choose other protein supplements. For example, if you follow a vegan diet, choose a veggie protein supplement. 

Amino acids or BCAA and glutamine and their assistance in the definition stage 

Branch chain amino acids or BCAAs like glutamine are good supplements for definition stages. They are anticatabolic agents that will help improve muscle recovery, protecting muscle mass and preventing wear and tear.  This is especially important when the definition stage is approached simultaneously with weight loss. By restricting calorie intake, their action is crucial to prevent weight loss from translating into muscle loss. So, together with protein, they are the best supplementation for definition stages. 

Creatine in the muscle definition phase 

Although some athletes choose to do without creatine in this phase, it is one of the best supplements for definition stages. Depending on your diet and training, it will be even more important. Keep in mind that it helps you gain strength and improve your performance. And that is crucial if you do high-intensity workouts to define your muscles. Essential fatty acids, why choose them to complement your supplementation in this phase Apparently, they do not act directly on the muscle, but their contribution helps to achieve the defined and sculpted body sought in this stage. This is due to their ability to stimulate the oxidation of already stored fats in the body, helping to achieve a leaner body. 

Magnesium supplements 

If you are looking for the best supplementation for definition stages, consider including magnesium supplements in your daily routine. It helps in the cellular metabolism of proteins and prevents muscle cramps. It also contributes to the construction of new muscle tissues. 

Multivitamins with trace elements and minerals 

Many athletes are surprised that multivitamins can help them achieve their goals in definition stages, and yet, they do. These complexes usually gather an important group of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements with diverse properties that help improve the body's condition and favor muscle definition goals. For example, calcium aids in metabolic processes and facilitates cellular metabolism of proteins, which as we have seen, are essential in this phase. Vitamin B helps gain muscle mass. And vitamin D helps your body have more energy. 


Thermogenic supplements, such as caffeine, help burn fat by using it as fuel during exercise. Taking them pre-workout helps maintain a high level of energy to exercise rigorously, contributing to achieving the muscle definition you seek. As you can see, you have different options to balance your protein intake and enjoy the best supplementation for definition stages with Amix. 

As you can see, you have different options to balance your protein intake and enjoy the best supplementation for definition stages with Amix.